Dare to Suck - Inspiring changemakers opening up to young adults (and their parents)

Peter Vesterbacka: He is better because he is different. The story of Slush, Mighty Eagle and a tunnel between Helsinki and Tallinn.

Wilfrid Kroath Season 1 Episode 1

In this week´s episode, we will meet All-star entrepreneur Peter Vesterbacka, who comes in all colors of the rainbow and has been founding and co-founding more companies than we would have time to list here. 
Finland knows him as Rovio´s Mighty Eagle and the creator of Slush - the worlds leading startup event,  which brought more than 25.000 attendees to Helsinki in November of 2019. I still do not know what he has been eating for breakfast as a child but he surely has a massive talent for entrepreneurship and relentless energy!

The Top 8 key takeaways from his story:

  1. Success is always a team effort despite the fact that the media likes to present single individuals as heroes.
  2. Working with the younger generation is especially rewarding since young adults are full of energy and don´t yet know what one is not supposed to do.
  3. Think about how you can create a powerful story or a powerful brand, which is easily understandable and approachable.
  4. Chip in when somebody needs help. Don´t always expect something in return. Live the mentality of Finnish “Talkoot”, which basically means that people voluntarily help each other.
  5. Engage passionate fans in your projects, repeat the mantra of “Why” you are doing what you are doing, and try to become scaleable. 
  6. It is crucial that more people have entrepreneurial thinking as it is the main driver for development and future growth.
  7. You can´t lead by following.
  8. Don´t think! Do - think! Don´t overanalyze and think too much. Go out there, try, learn.

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