Dare to Suck - Inspiring changemakers opening up to young adults (and their parents)

Aymane Berrerhdoche: He started out in Morocco with a filter to clean undrinkable and poisonous water. His next goal is to clean the Mediterranean from microplastics

Wilfrid Kroath Season 1 Episode 8

For most of us, taking a glass of refreshing clean water once you feel like having one, is not a major challenge. Neither was it for Aymane. Until one fine day, when instead of clean drinkable water, a yellow poisonous substance filled his glass. So he set out to do something about it and created a water filter. Today Aymane is leading multiple projects related to clean water and sustainability and has one big next goal, which is to clean the Mediterranean from Microplastics.

The Top 5 key takeaways from his story:

  1. Groom your team and support network. It will help you to achieve your goal faster.
  2. Keep a close product focus. The product needs to be able to speak for itself.
  3. Love, respect, and learn from generations before your own. There is a lot of hidden wisdom to tap into.
  4. Starting a business is chaos. Stay brave and push yourself to be brave.
  5. Things take time. Be patient and enjoy the journey instead of rushing.

Books to read:
The moral animal by Robert Wright

Accounts to follow:
Jason Silva, Shots of Awe

Ways to connect: