Dare to Suck - Inspiring changemakers opening up to young adults (and their parents)

Ari Iso-Rautio: From Top Manager to Top Yogi

Wilfrid Kroath Season 1 Episode 15

After finishing his education, Ari´s calling was loud, clear, and unquestionable: Welcome to the corporate world.
Rising through the ranks as a star management consultant and top manager was amazing at first but during an assignment in the US the famous “Wall” was hit and questions arose if this is all there is.
Many moons later, Ari is heading Lumi Power Yoga but has not lost touch with the corporate world either. The only big difference from now to then is: now he really enjoys it.

Top 5 things we have learned: 

  1. When we hit points where we are lost, we look for solutions and alternatives, where we otherwise would not have looked.
  2. Becoming an entrepreneur does not necessarily have to be a crash-boom-bang event. Sometimes it takes years of transition from working as an employee to becoming independent. In that scenario, you have to be prepared to go the extra mile and do two jobs or more simultaneously.
  3. Yoga and Mindfulness provide us with tools on how to deal with pressure, stress, etc. It should be taught already much earlier than during adult age.
  4. Our current education system is much more about knowledge than about building “centered and present” children
  5. Advice to my 15-year-old self: Go out there - discover - do stuff - don’t play safe and don´t be afraid to fail. (Don´t try this at home ;)

Books to read:
Leonardo da Vinci, Walter Isaacson
Atomic Habits, James Clear 

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