Dare to Suck - Inspiring changemakers opening up to young adults (and their parents)

Göran Hernberg: Top Tips from a Top Headhunter

Wilfrid Kroath Season 1 Episode 16

Coming out of school or university and finding your dream job has never been easy. For some maybe even impossible.
But as we are again entering a phase of global economic decline, the job market gets flooded with applicants from both sides of the age spectrum: young and old.

So it is more important than ever to stand out from the crowd in order to get seen for what you have to offer.

That´s where the advice from Göran Hernberg comes in handy. He has been a professional recruiter for many years and can provide you with dos and don´ts along the recruitment process.

The Top 5 key takeaways:

  1. The current situation and job market might look grim but don´t get discouraged - it is much less frantic than previous recessions. If you are fresh out of school/university, don´t be shy and ask your network of friends and their parents for help. Nobody will hire you if you are not skilled but at least you will get the opportunity to present yourself, which is much more difficult if you are one out of 500 applicants for a job.
  2. You need to be clear in your CV. Don´t assume that the person reading your resume has prior knowledge of you or the companies you worked for.
  3. Despite the current global turmoil, there is still a shortage of skilled people in many sectors. Seek and you will find!
  4. Keep the CV short and concise while still descriptive. 15 pages are simply too much
  5. It sounds cheesy but it is still true: During the interview - Be Yourself. 
    If you are not yourself then things are not coming naturally and you will most likely be called out later during the recruitment process.

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